"Our first FODBOSS unit in Atlanta was approximately 2 ½ years old and used daily. It’s estimated that the unit acquired between 8,000-8,500 miles of usage picking up an estimated 32,000 lbs. of debris (Potential FOD). Calculations were based on 800 + days of usage, 10 miles per day and 40 lbs. per day of debris collected. Today, we still believe in the FOD Boss and continue to use daily."
"The FOD*BOSS was used for the space shuttle move from its horizontal hanger to the Vertical Assembly Building. Believe me there has never been a cleaner tow path! Thanks for your support."
"Had a blast with the FOD*BOSS at Zone 5 today. I demonstrated it to the techs and drove it from gate to gate while working the aircraft. It was quite the attention getter. As expected everybody was impressed with the performance and there was no shortage of techs willing to sweep up the FOD.... "
"I have used the FOD*BOSS product when I was in the F-14 community and it saved millions of dollars in FOD damaged engines. Once we received the FOD*BOSS, we did not have another damaged engine. So with that, I say thank you!"
"We really value the FOD Boss and are considering purchasing the second unit with the hitch to reduce the amount of time necessary on the runway. During our recent runway construction project it was used behind the contractors’ vacuum and rotary broom. It was surprising to see the how much it picked up that was missed by the other equipment. It’s been an invaluable asset that really increases the productivity of our small staff and enhances airfield safety. Thanks again."
"Yesterday, I attended a Labor-Management Safety meeting, during which a performance review of the FOD Boss was presented. Many ORD upper management were in attendance.... You will be pleased to know that in three weeks, the FODBOSS has picked up over 600 lbs. of debris. In addition, some interesting material was found. Thousands of very small steel “pins” were trapped by the unit. These were so small that unless you were looking for them, you wouldn’t notice them on the ramp. Turns out, they came from the brushes the city uses to remove snow from the ramp areas.... Our management team is very impressed ..."
FOD is an ever-present issue that must be battled on a daily basis without interrupting the day-to-day operations of an airport. Everyone is expecting their aircraft operating areas (AOAs) to be FOD free regardless of your airfield’s location or volume of air movements.
Perhaps the greatest challenge that airfields face is managing the impact that FOD sweeping processes can have on scheduled aircraft movements. The FOD*BOSS Ultimate supports efficiency and safety, as well as airport profitability.
The FOD*BOSS’s agility and flexibility make it the perfect sweeping system for your busy apron and aircraft replenishment areas, in close proximity to parked aircraft and working personnel.