
Partnering With
Aerosweep and Aero-Tech
Increasing Airside Safety Is Our Passion

Lightbulb Moment
It All Started With A Tennis Match!
Extending The Concept To Aviation and Beyond
The FOD*BOSS is fully equipped with our exclusive and unique critical safety features that are the secret behind its unbeatable performance and essential to your successful FOD removal operations.
We are both proud and humbled how our invention has made such a significant impact on improving airside safety, an impact that is now on a world-wide scale. Supported with a highly skilled team of speciality dealers in every region of the world, chances are that if you have flown on a plane, the airport you have taken off from and landed on, was swept by a FOD*BOSS!
There is every chance that our unique product has not only saved millions of dollars in FOD damage to aircraft, but it has also potentially saved lives!
Motorsport Brands Trusting Our Technology

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