Watch The FOD*BOSS In Action Here!
"I have used the FOD*BOSS product when I was in the F-14 community and it saved millions of dollars in FOD damaged engines. Once we received the FOD*BOSS, we did not have another damaged engine. So with that, I say thank you!"

"The 7th Bomb Wing is in a constant battle to eliminate foreign object debris from the flight line, and is winning, with more than 1500 consecutive days of FOD-free incidents. This is a very significant milestone. Things we do to minimize FOD ... [include] using the FOD*BOSS ... Dyess hasn't had a major FOD incident since 2009, where FOD repairs reached over $1 million."

"We here at Balad AB Iraq use The FOD*BOSS meticulously. We log over 40 miles a day on average within a 24 hour period. Our lack of F.O.D. incidents are directly correlated to the use of your product, The FODBOSS."

"Our first FODBOSS unit ... acquired between 8,000-8,500 miles of usage picking up an estimated 32,000 lbs. of debris (Potential FOD) ... based on 800 + days of usage. Today, we still believe in the FOD Boss and continue to use daily."

"We received our FODBOSSes here at Langley on 20 Oct 06. We have put the Triplex in work as of this Monday 30 Oct 06….Works great, just as expected. We are utilizing it on our ALFA taxiway as well as EORs. FOD prevention at a premium thanks to the FODBOSS!!!!! On behalf of the Leadership at 1st Fighter Wing (LAFB) allow me to say thanks for all of your advice and help in our fight against FOD."

"I salted the Shuttle's tow path with a dozen pieces of misc. hardware ranging in size from a small washer to a bolt @ 5″ long. We made three separate passes with the FODBOSS and it got them all each time. We will put the FODBOSS again when we actually roll out the Shuttle. Thanks again for your support."

"We tested The FOD* Boss on Friday. This thing is unreal! Picks up everything."

"The FOD*BOSS was used for the space shuttle move from its horizontal hanger to the Vertical Assembly Building. Believe me there has never been a cleaner tow path! Thanks for your support."

Military Jet Engine Protection - Don’t trust anything else!

See some how some of our customers from Around The World Are Using Their FOD*BOSS

Every FOD*BOSS ULTIMATE Airport Sweeper includes:
- 10 year Guarantee/Warranty
- Impact Resistant Blade Design
- Headwind Sweeping Capable
- 10 Year Accidental Damage Cover
Military Level Protection
The Challenges Of FOD Control At Busy Military Bases
Improve Air base Safety
Designed to Improve AFB Safety

Low Total Cost of Ownership
Available Sweeper Systems
Choose your product and review the different systems we have to help make your debris sweeping more efficient and effective
Example Sweep Time Savings Possible
Why The FOD*BOSS is so special
The FOD*BOSS includes four critical safety design features that are deemed so important to your FOD sweeping success, we have protected them with patents. These safety design features are unavailable in any other airport sweeper system.
The FOD*BOSS airbase sweeper is designed to provide an unrivalled FOD pick-up rate, be easy to operate and ensure your team’s productivity is maximized.
Our airfield sweeper is available in three sizes. The standard Single sweeper can effectively sweep 1,707,156 ft2 (158,600 m2) in a single hour; by comparison, a typical suction sweeper covers around 475, 675 ft2 (44,200 m2) within the same time frame. We also carry the Duplex model and a Triplex model.
See how your AOA sweep times compare to a street sweeper using each of our three configurations here.
Combining speed and effectiveness are just two of the many reasons why the FOD*BOSS Ultimate is relied upon by military forces around the world. The U.S. Air Force for example, reported zero FOD incidents after deploying the FOD*BOSS. Now that's military-grade protection at its best! It is your perfect FOD sweeper for all your tarmac cleaning needs and in areas where agility and flexibility are operational priorities. Who wants ordinary when you can have special?
Built for All Weather Conditions
Your pilots fly their jets in all kinds of weather, so your FOD sweeping system should be able to operate in all kinds of weather as well. The FOD*BOSS has been designed to operate in both wet and dry conditions, with the same unrivalled pick-up rate. Now, regardless of the weather, you can ensure your flight line has been swept effectively and efficiently whether it is raining or a beautiful sunny day. Do you have to deal with high winds? The specially designed and patented GroundForce™ Tow Hitch keeps the FOD*BOSS tracking straight and true behind the towing vehicle, in both head-winds as well as cross-winds.
This means the FOD*BOSS will always be available when needed. Easily deployed within minutes, it is the perfect FOD removal tool for military operations when only the best performance is acceptable.
Between sweeps, the FOD*BOSS can be stored flat, hung on a wall using one of our wall hangers (FB2400-129) or rolled up and placed in a carry bag with roller wheels (FB2400-40). Always there, always ready.
Track and Log Your Sweeping Operations
The phone sweeper app is easy to use. You can control your entire FOD sweeping system onscreen. View the exact location of your FOD*BOSS system and its path of travel using Google mapping, so you know what areas have been covered and the work that’s left to be done. The app allows you to select from Single, Duplex, Triplex FOD*BOSS sweep, or FOD WALK options and includes the following functions:
• Tracks your FOD*BOSS in real time
• Calculates distance swept (Imperial and Metric)
• Calculates area covered
• Calculates the weight of debris collected and the amount collected per 10,000 M2
• Records time, date, coverage, and who has swept
• Compare and monitor FOD sweeps within the History function on the phone or online
• Share information with others in your network or opt to make information public
Warranty Protection
The FOD*BOSS Ultimate carries an unprecedented 10-year guarantee/warranty. This is longer than its typical expected service life at a busy AFB. Our unconditional 10-year guarantee covers faulty materials and manufacturing. Further, our comprehensive accidental damage cover provided with every FOD*BOSS Ultimate, means we will repair the equipment free-of-charge and/or supply the parts and materials needed for repairs. You can rest assured the FOD*BOSS has been built to handle the toughest conditions, and its performance will never let you down. Please refer to our full 10-year guarantee/warranty.